About Us
HooDoo Pack Llamas started after a failed attempt at pack goats. Braden desperately wanted pack animals to get further into the backcountry but nothing about goats came easy including keeping them fenced in a pasture.
Llamas are the answer to every hunter's problems. These amazing animals are not dangerous like a horse, need little water, little feed, and can be walked easily like a dog.
From the first year of hunting with llamas, Braden was hooked. Once the baby llamas came to the farm, his wife Cassie was in love with them too. The llama herd on Hoo Doo Lane grew quickly and with the help of Beau Baty of Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas, so did the quality of llama.
We are now proud to offer these quality pack llamas to you. We know you will fall in love with them too.
Braden and Cassie raise their family and llamas on a small farm in Kuna, ID.